Mother’s As Role Models – Pastor (Mrs.) Lola Talabi

How time flies, today is another Mother’s Day – a day especially dedicated to celebrate our mothers.  All over the world mothers are given special prominence for the role they play as builders.  Here in VLBC, we are today celebrating our mothers.


The role of women cannot be overemphasized.  Mothers are the agent of growth, fruitfulness and multiplication.  Mothers are teachers, role models and agents of change.  In Proverbs 31:1, the mother of King Lemuel taught him the words of wisdom.  Read from verse 2 and you will discover that the words are full of wisdom from a devoted mother.  I want to use this medium to encourage our mothers to take their place in God’s program.  The times are hard, the economic crunch is hitting hard.  We have devoted and committed our lives unto Him.  No matter the situation, my God will see us through.  Shout for Joy!


M – Model of Children’s Character, Proverbs 22:6


O – Obedience, Titus 2:1-5


T – Trustworthy, Proverbs 3:5


H – Homebuilders, Proverbs 14:1


E – Economic Manager, Proverbs 31:14


R – Reliable Pillar of Strength, Proverbs 14:1